At season's end, both Alabama and Auburn may have the opportunity to boast a Heisman winner for the new millennium. Mark Ingram had his time in the spotlight last year in a close Heisman race. Cam Newton, disbarring any NCAA interference, is on his way to an undisputed Heisman. While these two athletes were the best in the country their respective years, there is one key element that separates these players, their programs, and the future of said programs.
That element is character. Character is defined as containing honesty, courage, and integrity also encompassed by one's reputation. Through dissecting this football season, clear differences can be seen between the two in-state rivals.
If character is encompassed by reputation, should I even begin with the Cam Newton? Everyone is aware of the laptop incident, the alleged academic scandal, and the alleged pay-for-play scheme. Reputation is an outward characteristic. It is the perception of the masses. Whether or not Cam is innocent, his reputation is forever stained.
Take for example, Michael Vick. Although he has successfully overcome his life's problems, the stain of the dog-fighting scandal will forever follow him as well as his reputation. Reputation takes a lifetime to build but one second to destroy. Newton has returned for seconds as well as thirds in the line for destruction, and no amount of innocence will ever alleviate these 'ghosts.'
I have been reprimanded before by Barners on comments about their beloved Newton. They have informed me that Cam Newton does all for the greater good of pleasing Christ. Well, I am not one to judge the moral character of individuals, but I see nothing of that through his on-the-field actions.
I saw no such actions as Newton stood in the student section following the Auburn victories. Arms spread, smiling widely Newton soaked in the worship of the adoring fans. Newton knows that he is Auburn's 'god.' Newton knows that this is his team. As the Auburn faithful fight to grope him, the interaction breeds no mindset of a greater good. Instead, it breeds the mindset of 'I'm the good.' The signs of ‘Yes We Cam’ breed that he is the savior for a downtrodden program.
Newton’s self-gratifying mock of the Alabama student section following the Iron Bowl was also very tasteful. Hand over mouth, Newton flew down the field letting the sign for silence talk for him or perhaps explain his take on where the money is. Along with Nick Fairley, Ryan Pugh, and whoever the non-starters were involved in the cutthroat motions, they combine to further Auburn’s stain.
Of course, this all relates back to the coach. A coach is supposed to win games which Gene Chizik has done. At the same time, a coach needs to be the mentor that develops his players into not only exceptional athletes but also exceptional individuals. With the growing obnoxiousness and arrogance of the Auburn players, Chizik is slowly losing control.
A prime example is Fairley. Fairley has grown into an exceptional athlete, but, as an individual, he would be exceptional only as Toomer’s Corner décor in its intended purpose. His downright filthy play has not only cost Auburn in the form of suspensions but has also cost the integrity of the game as well as other player’s health. He is the figurehead of the Auburn defense, and it is about as attractive as the right side of Harvey Dent’s post-combusted face.
The environment slowly growing is one of indulgence and self-gratitude. It is indulgence of making every play a spotlight and centering it upon themselves. Coaches, such as receivers coach Trooper Taylor, are joining in the pompous festivities as well which has an effect on how Auburn receivers react to big plays. Every defensive tackle for loss or swat becomes a spectacle as seen with Fairley on Saturday and the secondary on the year. It is easy to see why they are becoming as hated as the Miami ‘U’ of the late 80s, early 90s.
Where bad player reputation meets unsportsmanlike play meets showmanship is where Auburn now stands. It is amazing that the Alabama players never join the student section or band in the wallowing of a victory. It is amazing how the perception of Mark Ingram and Cam Newton are so vastly different. It is amazing how the quarterback of one school was a finalist for the Rhodes scholarship, while the rival quarterback was being investigated by the FBI.
If the NCAA does not give Auburn the death penalty, expect that lack of discipline will ultimately be the downfall. Chizik, just remember to ask ‘What Would Saban Do?’ As for Cam, just remember to ask ‘What Would Tebow Do?’
Beautifully said. I couldn't agree more. As an Alabama native and UA student, I really wish I could proudly say "If it can't be UA, then I want it to be AU." But the fact is, AU is not a team I can be proud to support, whether they are Alabama boys or not. It's embarrassing to have that kind of behavior representing my home state in the SEC title game and most likely the National title game.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above article and statement. I am an out-of-state freshman at UA and had no real connection to college football, but once I came to UA, I was hooked and to see dirty plays and pompous players is a travesty of any sport
ReplyDeleteWell this isn't a biased opinion or anything. It is amazing how you condemn Cam Newton as classless for putting his hand over his mouth at the end of the game, or celebrating with the student section after a victory! It is college football. It's supposed to be fun. I don't remember when it was decided that a player isn't supposed to celebrate with his fans. When I think of classless, I prefer to think of the ever classy Alabama student section showering Cam in monopoly money. Or the face of Alabama football, Greg McElroy, who Bama fans are so proud of for interviewing for the Rhodes scholarship giving the Auburn section the bird after a touchdown pass to Darius Hanks. You can bask in your self absorbed illusion that Alabama is the model of class. It isn't true. How quickly you forget the 21 wins vacated from Alabama from 2005-2007. Take a look outside of your fantasy blog world every once in a while
ReplyDeleteIf Cam Newton were on your team, then you would most definitely have his back!! That's just human nature, though -- we are jealous of what we do not have -- whether it be an amazing player, an amazing win, etc. Also, I think it's a little comical how you go on and on about the amazing class of THE University of Alabama. Your beloved school so rudely played music over the public address system that was making fun of one of Auburn's players. I'm sure everyone from Tuscaloosa found that funny; however, I feel that it was extremely classless and distasteful. That was just one instance. Also, none of the allegations against Cam Newton have been proven, but everyone --especially Alabama fans-- have been so quick to help spread the rumors and make him out to be a terrible person. You most definitely seem to believe these allegations, as has been implied in your blog posts. Once again, I understand that jealousy is human nature and if the shoe were on the other foot, Auburn fans might be making the same statements. Everybody wants to win. We do need to remember, however, that this is a game and these are real people we are talking about. At least you admit that this is a biased viewpoint, because it most certainly is. To each his own!
ReplyDeleteAs a UGA student, I am in complete agreement with the article. I understand that UGA and Auburn have a great rivalry (though its not as great as the UA-Auburn rivalry), but the treatment of our players when we played at Auburn 2 weekends ago was just disgraceful. Trick plays, punching one of our players, unnecessary celebration, etc. No one expected UGA to win against Auburn, so for those of you who call us sore losers, you are seriously mistaken. There is a reason why thousands of Georgia fans are disgusted with Auburn's program right now...and its not rivalry or because we lost. Its classless acts, on the field and in the student sections. Its disrespect to other SEC teams who we are suppose to support each other. Its overly glorifying one single player for saving your failing football program. Trick plays and egotistical players can only get you so far, and I think Auburn will see the reprocussions of it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments guys. I'm not going to argue or agree with anything, but I found two things interesting.
ReplyDeleteThat's the first I've heard of McElroy giving the bird, and I have plenty of Auburn friends.
The PA announcer was reportedly fired today for the song selection.
I think it's funny how the two comments by AU fans on here defend Newton only and not their team...It's so sad that they put one player over their entire team and university...
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the article and couldn't agree more with the first comment. As a bama fan, I always pull for the SEC to win in bowl games, but I don't think I could force myself to pull for auburn.
Wasn't it bama fans who posted pictures of Tebow crying all over the internet after the beat Florida? ...what class.
ReplyDeleteI loved the article. It sounded a lot like "WHAA WHAA we lost they played dirty BOO HOO." You can't write an article about how your team is dominant anymore so you have to bash another. Good job.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Cam covering his mouth after the game. How about Mark Ingram after his 1st touchdown in the Arkansas game and his sush to the crowd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agw1upXfg8Y its @ 44 seconds into the video.
ReplyDeleteHe also beat up a kid for taking his picture in florida on spring break. Took a fishing trip w/ Julie-O.
Rolondo runs over a kids with his car and is now facing a lawsuit.
You need to check the West Vance Correctional Program that Saban is running prior to slinging mud the other way.
UGA fan. You forgot how to mention that your O-line was chop blocking the hell out of Fairley all game, yes even before his roughing the QB call. Also what about the UGA fan setting Toomer's corner on fire?
ReplyDeleteRTR! (Run Tide Run! or Roll Turd Roll!!)
WOW. I love how my earlier post was deleted. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteI tell you what, I will sum up my earlier post in just a few sentences.
ReplyDelete1) People who live in glass houses should not throw bricks.
2) Auburn does not put one man above the team or univeristy. We do love Cam Newton, but it is not like we are building a statue of him outside our stadium or anything.
3) There is only one school in this state that is currently eligble for the death penalty and it is not Auburn. However, I seriously doubt the NCAA will ever lay down the death penalty again.
Again, thanks for the comments. For the post I deleted, I accidentally did that while trying to post on my phone. Blackberry's are not the most reliable devices. I am sorry.
ReplyDeleteTyler - as an Auburn fan (who has been there for my team through all our crappy seasons) I have to believe that people can overcome stupid decisions we make in life, and change to make life fulfilling and successful. I don't know Cam Newton personally so I can't comment on his character or class. The only thing I can comment on is that he is great at football and I love watching him play. I feel that every one is entitled to opinions on character, but until we walk in a man shoes, how are we to know his true purpose? All teams celebrate in their own way. All coaches coach in their own way. I love the iron bowl rivalry and I love how passionate people are about it. I just wanted to comment on your blog to tell you that I think you are a GREAT writer and you need to keep it up!
ReplyDelete1) Greg flipping off the Auburn band during the second quarter. Yes it happened. As if throwing fake money, playing "take the money and run",and being up by 21 points wasn't enough. http://www.thewareaglereader.com/2010/11/eigth-grade-forever-mcelroys-one-finger-salute/
ReplyDelete2) We defend Cam because he is the one constantly being attacked. I'll defend the legitimacy of this team all day.
3) Amen to the post above. The ultimate example of the idiocy of your fanbase...building a statue of your current coach.
4)Cam did not start the tradition of jumping into the student section. The 2004 team did the same thing after every victory and it has been done after every big win since. And while Cam's freak legs might get him there first, the entire team comes and celebrates with the student section
5)Alabama would do the same thing if the logistics of their stadium allowed.
6) Cam and Nick Fairley both covered their mouth. I would too if I had just silenced 100,000+ fans in the largest comeback in Ironbowl history.
7) The only people that "hate" Auburn right now are Bama and UGA fans. But rivals always hate it when their archrival is winning. I don't think that's enough for Miami U status.
I could go on forever, but at the end of the day we go to two very different universities with two very different fanbases and that pretty much sums it up.
This is absolutely true. It is crazy to over glorify one player. I enjoy reading your blogs! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteGreat Article, keep it up. The middle finger salute by Greg McElroy I must say is a little far-fetched. I've seen the video and it looks like someone has played around to make it look like he done that.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I am an Auburn STUDENT which is why I pull for them (which is more than most can say about which team they cheer for). Secondly, people need to understand this is SEC college football, there is no class haha. Do I think the accusations are true? I hope not but only the Newtons and God know. As far as all this talk of "bama threw down fake money, Ingram was showboating, etc..." from Auburn fans, I say who cares, if you don't want people to thrive off of cheering don't come to a football game. And for the previous post about Auburn fans only backing Cam and not the team...Cam gets the brunt of the criticism so we back him. As for the UGA game, that was all a bunch of crap. No, we should never have thrown punches and did a cuthroat signal, but UGA shouldn't have stomped on our logo and set toomers corner on fire. Nick Fairley is a beast, he got through your line and sacked the crap out of your QB. Its a contact sport and who's to say if its "too hard of a tackle" or not. Anyways what I'm trying to say is AU fans will defend our team just like every other team and we will all attack whoever is winning. It happens every year and if you honestly think that Cam is all about himself then you should try and take an unbiased opinion, get past the ACCUSATIONS, and watch some of his interviews. Thanks and War Eagle
ReplyDeleteThis whole argument is a bit redundant, however, I'm gonna have my input as well. The AU fans as well as UA fans have faults and from a week to week basis it is easy to point fingers at certain classes fans for each team whether its a drunk Auburn fan trying to fight anybody that looks at him the wrong way or a part-time worker taking advantage of his 15 second soapbox by playing his idea of humor over the loudspeakers. My point is there are classy fans and trashy fans for each team in the SEC and this ridicule is something that will continue forever despite its uselessness.
ReplyDeleteThe only important thing to realize is the big picture that both of these teams' programs are heading in. Despite Auburn's very impressive undefeated regular season and potential for an SEC championship and BCS title, they are being lead by a one-time call on mercenary beast of an athlete that only comes around once every 30 years. It doesn't matter if he was paid or not, however the cookie crumbles with the NCAA investigation this season is not representative of Auburn's future as a program. Without their personal Bo Jackson the rest of the Auburn football team is a 4 loss team at best. The seeds of this program were sown over the rocky ground and will dry up in the sun as soon as Cam is gone. In comparison the Crimson Tide has had a good season with its emotional ups and downs but its foundation of an incredible coaching staff, recruitment, and returning starters is what will make them great. 5 losses in 3 seasons is an incredible feat in the SEC and shows that the Crimson tide is headed in the right direction.
Sorry, I should have posted at the beginning that this was a completely biased view. I put it with my link on facebook and twitter as well.
ReplyDeleteand for McElroy and the finger, the least credible source to me would be an Auburn website. I would believe Mississippi State boosters before an Auburn website commenting on an Alabama player.
Again, nice points by everybody.
The black and white of it all is that with a win over Auburn then Bama is BCS bowl eligible. They didn't prevail and instead of the fans carrying the fact that Bama blew a 24 point lead and getting over it there must be excuses. I would bet my left ARM that had Bama won then this song would be a lot like..."we beat the best team in the country!!!!" I knew the excuses would fly if they lost. It simply doesn't matter what Newton has or hasn't done off of the football field. He played as he was expected to and Bama lost. As far as class goes...read the daily cock and see what South Carolina had to say about Auburn and the hospitality we show. Fact is you arrogant Bama fans bring out the worst in us and you hate to see Auburn do well because you didn't make your words soft and sweet and now you're eating them. As far as Fairley goes...he's a great defensive player and you'd take him anyday. Besides Yall blatantly boasted about the lick dareus put on McCoy last year that knocked him out of the game. It goes both ways so stop crying. Auburn has developed as a team all season while Bama has crumbled since Fayetteville.
ReplyDeleteI did not completely expect Alabama to win the game. I picked them, but I wouldn't have been surprised if Auburn had come out of the gate with 24 consecutive points. Auburn made the adjustments necessary to win (article below), and Alabama did not. This article is not a sobfest. I felt worse after the loss to South Carolina because there really was no hope all game long.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I would not want Nick Fairley either. Chapman, Dareus, and crew have done a great job all year. I would like Nick Fairley about as much as Tennesse Titans cornerback Cortland Finnegan (watch replay of the Titans/Texans game). All Fairley has been is a cheap instigator hoping to bring retaliation as the Georgia game proved.
There is also no black/white to character and perceived character as well. If you would like to categorize it as so, Auburn fans are just as 'football-goggled' as Alabama fans. I know this is a biased article, but I was just openly expressing what I felt and backed it up with facts and what I had seen.
Also, I never said the words 'fans' or 'fanbase' throughout my article. I do not know why there is such an argument back and forth about fans. A fanbase is too large to show character. Some may be worse than others, but I never even brought it up in the article. A team, however, is under a coaching staff and small enough to be categorized.
This is a colorful rivalry. It should never be categorized as black and white.
PS I would not have put best team in the country had Alabama won either. If Auburn wins out, they are the best team in the country. Until then, they have the best player in the country and an offense that suits him as well as an above-average defense. Everyone saw how productive Auburn is when Cam Newton is contained.
So the Alabama students who booed during the Auburn team prayer was in good character? I think not...
ReplyDeleteThere were plenty who did not. The topic at hand is player character. Fans cover all spectrums and have no one in control but themselves. Players, teams, and programs are different.
ReplyDeleteI can understand the debate on character traits on a Heisman candidacy. However, I think we as fans and spectators of this sport put these players on a pedastool. People like Thayer Evans ridicule outstanding players by putting the negative parts of their lives under the microscope. Much like they did to Mark Ingram and his father being in jail. The Heisman is a reward for excellence in football. If Newton is by far the leader in this race and we take into account his reputation and say he doesn't deserve the award for that then who gets rewarded. Second best Lamichael James? He's a woman better so I guess not him either so who? Third best? We shouldn't get wrapped up in speculations and reward mediocrity with the most prestigious of football awards.
ReplyDeleteYou're a pretty talented writer, Tyler!
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ReplyDeleteWhat did you back up with facts? The only fact I see is that Cam stole a laptop while at UF. Everything else you point our either comes comes with the words "alleged" before it (and has since been disproven btw) or is your own interpretation. It is pretty hilarious that you interpret Auburn fans making Yes We Cam signs to mean they think Cam is God. Or you somehow know that Cam thinks he is God because he leaps into the student section. And no, McElroy did not give the Auburn the finger. I wish Auburn people would stop saying that. He had his mouthguard in his hand and if you watch the full clip you can see he most definitely did not give anybody the finger.